viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

Big update

I haven't updated for ages!! QAQ I always forget to post the videos here >.<

[UTAU] Meltdown [Mizune Yukiko]

[UTAU] Nazokake [Mizune Yukiko] + UST download

[UTAU] Magnet [Mizune Yukiko & Jun]

[UTAU] World's End Dancehall [Mizune Yukiko & Jun]

[UTAU] Bad apple!! [Mizune Yukiko]

[UTAU] Connect -Maho Shojo Madoka Magica- [Mizune Yukiko] (Full version) + UST download

[UTAU]Panda Hero [Mizune Yukiko]

[UTAU Game] Happy Synthesizer [ Mizune Yukiko & Ayumi]

I made this song for Yukiko's birthday =3

Some people made Yukiko sing too ^^ :

【UTAU】 Adolescence Syndrome 「青春シンドローム」 【Mizune Yukiko】

Gizachan33 made this song for my birthday, I was really happy  ;o; Thank you!! x3

[UTAU] Happy Synthesizer [Tsubasane Kira, Mizune Yukiko]

Dykairi25 made this song for Yukiko's birthday too ^^ Thanks!! =D


Also, she has participated in some chorus:

[6 UTAU Chorus] 深い森 -Fukai Mori- [Claire, Yukiko, Kira, Miyu, Nami, Miu]

This was made by Dykairi25. Thanks for using Yukiko!! ^^

[UTAU CHORUS] Hope - 21 UTAUloid's + 1

This was made by IkuyoYasujiro. Thank you for using Yukiko!!=D

And that's all XD


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